Friday, November 4, 2016

How Old Is Too Old to Wear a Bikini?

This question has been floating around in So Cal lately; it's bad enough that we have the Presidential election and a ballot that goes on forever. Oh well, Netflix has available another season of The Gilmore Girls at the end of the month.

But, getting to the issue, I did an on-line search for truth and enlightenment. I found that the Daily Mail  in the U.K. did a survey; and the age cited for putting away your bikini is 47. And, sorry, lose the miniskirts when you're 34. No matter how shapely your legs are. 

Oh well, a little more time spent at the beach catching a few waves. People can be so rigid at times. 

Mom still wears her bikini, and I'm not about to tell her otherwise. Besides, she only reads the San Diego Union-Tribune.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Cute Bird Feeder

This is a stylish addition to the tree in the back yard. Very eye-pleasing!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Foods That Are Flatulogenic

It is a rarity that one can have  a cute or polite fart, but Beano and Gas-X can help. Sometimes we are more susceptible to pooting, depending on certain foods. Here are foods that are flatulogenic (causing flatuses).